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Fend Acne Aff

Theres one simple and cheap way to keep acne at bay keep the skin surface clean. Wash your face twice a day or every time its dirty with pH balance soap. Besides neutral pH make sure theres a non comedogenic label on every skin product that you use. Scrubbing is not recommended when acne is still invading because it will only worsen the condition when skin is in healthy condition however scrubbing is also one of the ways to prevent acne.

Mild acne can be treated using topical medication that usually contains benzoyl peroxide (2%-5%), salicylic acid (1-2%), or retinoid acid(1-2%). Yet if you have sensitive skin , you should avoid using products with retinoid acid. Treatment by using the above kind of medication can be done continually up to 6-8 weeks. But chronic acne needs serious and professional medical treatment (dermatologist).

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Acne Stages

Acne has different stadiums of growth. The primary stadium of acne is comedo. Comedo is a widened hair follicle filled with dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria. There are two kinds of comedones (the plural of comedo) closed comedo (whitehead) and open comedo ( blackhead). Comedones feel rough on the skin.

The next stadium of acne is blemish. In this stage a comedo is infected by bacteria and becomes inflamed. The inflammation appears like red mountains on the face. This condition tempts you to pop the infected bumps. If its done correctly by a professional, using anti blemish medication and sterile tools, the problem may end satisfactorily. But the problem arises when we pop the blemish with tools or hands which are not sterile. This makes the infection in the surrounding area.

After blemish comes the pimple stage. This is when a sore and itchy sensation attacks. Again, popping is not recommended because it can lead to permanent skin scarring.
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Is It Acne or Abscess ?

Not all lumps on your face are acne. They can also be boils or an abscess. One thing that sets acne apart from an abscess is acne never appears as only a single lump. It comes up in numbers on skin, even though they may appear to be in different stages. The other difference between the two skin problems is the diameter of the lump acne is smaller than an abscess because it can only grow as big as a skin pore.

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What Is Acne ?

Pimples is a skin problem. It forms when old skin cells and oil (sebum) from the skin clog the skin pores. Sebum functions as a layer to protect facial skin against dust, sun, pollution, radiation and even cosmetics. Without sebum, these things instantly come into contact with the skin then irritate it and diminish its protection function.

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For body n soul is acolumn that deals with questions about body and soul stuff such as health peace of mind, beauty, education, etc.

Know Your Enemy

Does acne keep on pestering you ? is it gnawing at your self confidence? If that’s the case it’s about time to know more about acne what it actually is what its stages of development are, how to prevent it from breaking out and what todo when its already attacking.

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