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Acne Stages

Acne has different stadiums of growth. The primary stadium of acne is comedo. Comedo is a widened hair follicle filled with dead skin cells, sebum, and bacteria. There are two kinds of comedones (the plural of comedo) closed comedo (whitehead) and open comedo ( blackhead). Comedones feel rough on the skin.

The next stadium of acne is blemish. In this stage a comedo is infected by bacteria and becomes inflamed. The inflammation appears like red mountains on the face. This condition tempts you to pop the infected bumps. If its done correctly by a professional, using anti blemish medication and sterile tools, the problem may end satisfactorily. But the problem arises when we pop the blemish with tools or hands which are not sterile. This makes the infection in the surrounding area.

After blemish comes the pimple stage. This is when a sore and itchy sensation attacks. Again, popping is not recommended because it can lead to permanent skin scarring.

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